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U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan ’81, Nobel laureate David Card *83 recognized at Princeton Alumni Day
Venture Forward report highlights campaign impact, including Annual Giving
Leslie Schoop *15 is using the logic of chemistry to build quantum materials with revolutionary properties
Alumni extend a Texas-sized welcome to President Eisgruber at Venture Forward events in Austin and Houston
President Eisgruber joins Philadelphia alumni for Venture Forward conversation
Tom Griffiths is decoding intelligence — both human and artificial — to think differently about how we think
New Venture Forward video series features Princetonians taking daring leaps into uncharted territory
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan ’81 and Nobel-Prize-winning economist David Card *83 to receive top alumni awards
Princeton provost highlights Venture Forward alumni event in Japan
University dedicates Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute at Venture Forward event